
Life Ministry Opportunities

Bethany is supportive of the Lord's gift of life, especially the most vulnerable among us: elderly, physically disabled, and the unborn. In addition to our weekly prayers,  there are various opportunities throughout the year in which members can support the need through local and national pro-life organizations (such as March for Life, Caring Network and Lutherans for Life.) 

Meals for members in Need

When a loved one dies, a baby is born, or sickness comes, it's hard to think about a home-cooked meal for your family, much less yourself. This group is a network of caring members who want to serve their fellow members by providing meals in times of need. If you'd like to serve in this group, contact us and we'll get you connected!  

Altar Guild

Distributing the Lord's Body and Blood in Holy Communion takes some prep work and clean-up! The altar guild helps the pastors by preparing the bread and wine before services and by reverently cleaning the communion vessels after the service. This is a wonderful way to serve in the congregation "behind the scenes."  If you'd like to serve on the altar guild, contact us, and we'll get you connected.


These men assist the pastors in the distribution of the Lord's Supper during the Lord's service.  It takes only a little training, so contact us if you would like to learn more about becoming a sacristan!


From welcoming guests as they enter the sanctuary and handing out bulletins, to collecting offerings and directing guests toward seats and communion, the ushers serve the congregation during worship with these helpful "behind the scenes" roles. We are always in need of more ushers, so if you'd like to get involved as an usher, let us know here and we'll get you connected!

Youth Volunteers

When it comes to serving our youth, volunteers are essential! The pastors delight in teaching our Lord's Gospel to our youth of all ages, but member volunteers and the parents of our youth are important for delegating the fun stuff, the fundraisers, the service projects, and all the rest.  We're always in need of volunteers to serve as chaperones, helpers, Bible study small group leaders, and more. If you'd like to help with the youth, contact Pastor Bartens and we'll get you connected! 

College Care Group

This is a group of parents of our congregation's college students who organize care packages for their kids away at college. They typically meet once a month to discuss care package content, plan events for their young adults to get together when they're home, and to support each other. It's a great way to meet parents of other college students. If you'd like to get involved in this group or learn more, contact us and we'll get you connected!

Lutheran Women's Missionary League (LWML)

The LWML is the official women's organization of our Synod, and focuses on affirming and encouraging each woman in her life in Christ, to enable her to serve her Lord at home, at work, in her church, and farther afield, supporting global missions as able. It was founded in 1942 at St. Stephen Lutheran Church in Chicago and now has membership in Missouri Synod Lutheran churches across the United States, and similar organizations worldwide.

Our society at Bethany welcomes women of all ages. We meet the first Tuesday of the month from 1 to 3:30 PM in the Conference Room for Bible Study, business, including involvement in Zone and District events where we join other women for spiritual growth, fellowship, and service, and we also work on service projects.  In addition, we collect "Mites," or prayerful donations, which become part of the pool of funds that support missions needs that have been voted on at the District and National Conventions. (For more information about the LWML NID Mission Grants, please click here!)  At the Welcome Center are "Mite Boxes" for anyone to take and use, and two collection boxes--one for the "Mites," and the other for canceled postage stamps cut from the envelopes with at least a 1/4 inch margin, and eyeglasses to be taken to Central American countries, along with the Gospel message.  

Past issues of the LWML Quarterly are available on the kiosk at the Welcome Center, for those wishing to learn more about the group. For more information please contact us at


Ladies' Guild & Crafters' Paradise

The Bethany Guild meets on the first Thursday of each month from 9:00 to 11:30 AM in September through June.  The Guild devotes most of their time together in preparation for the Crafter’s Paradise which is held in November.  If you enjoy crafts and would like to help with the craft show, luncheon or bake sale in November, consider getting involved in the Guild.  For more vendor information, click here.

Click here to see the flyer for 2024.

2023 Chrismon: Angel

“For He will command His angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways. On their hands they will bear you up, lest you strike your foot against a stone.” Psalm 91:11-12



Older Wiser Lutheran Seniors (OWLS)

The purpose of the OWLS Society is to provide opportunities for social interaction and learning for older members of Bethany.  This informal group meets monthly in a variety of locations and formats.  They always welcome new members.  Check out the Bethany Week at a Glance or call the church office for their next meeting time.

Member Care Society

Bethany's Member Care Society was organized to care for the temporal needs of the members of the congregation.  They have programs for maintaining regular contact with members, visitation, meals, prayer, grief support, and more.  They also organize our two main fellowship events which are planned for members of all ages.  If you'd like to be in this society, contact us and let us know!